Hear D'Man!!!
Last updated on 5-6-03

I'm D'Man, amateur rapper extraordinaire, who is fortunate enough to have webspace on TheSnod.com so you can hear my music!
(Hopefully, it won't take long to load once you click on the links below.)

Hear here:
Newest! - Chica Love Song

Newest! - Fun Session

Newest! - Magalena Remake

New! - Move Ludacris!

New! - I've Got a Song About Yo Momma

I introduce myself

Don't Lie

Hey Mr. Po Po

Move to Some Silly Rap

Bling Bling Sing Along

Party People

Boom Boom Boom

Kawbida Kay
- I just recorded this in the studio on the first try.
 It's not meant to make fun of any foreign languages or
anything; it's a musical form I came up with while freestylin'.

If the above clips skip a few seconds when you click
on them, they should work if you just rewind and play again.
I'm sorry about the trouble; I'll try to figure out what's the matter.

Sparklin' Golden Gold (recorded with my PC)

Please drop any comments at DMan@thesnod.com!

(wav files seem to play better than mp3 but also seem to take up ten times the space, so most of my sound files are mp3)